Living the Quarantine Life

By Erin

How is everyone doing during this not so fun quarantine time? Being alone, lonely, not being able to go to work, lots of uncertainty, has made my anxiety go through the roof. My birthday is next Sunday on May 3rd, I can’t say I am much looking forward to it. I see so many people having zoom parties or drive by parties and they look awesome, but I feel like if I tried to plan one for myself it would be a total flop. I feel like I am easily forgotten most of the time, so don’t know what I will end up doing, if anything on birthday other than maybe just stay in bed and try to sleep all day.

One thing that has helped keep my sanity and has given me a little bit of joy though is the garden in my backyard. I hope this little bit of sunshine and roses can brighten up your day too. 🙂

What little things have brought you joy during this difficult time in quarantine? I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and sane.

Quarantine Flowers
Roses in Quarantine
Garden in Quarantine
Quarantine Roses
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