Day 20- Present

I’m presently helping to take care of my friend’s horse Dakota this summer while she is away. Say Hello to Dakota!! Here he is anxiously waiting for his treats! Can you tell how hungry he is?? LOL He wants his treats!!



Day 19– Past

For the past, I thought I’d put up some pictures from Rome! I can’t think of a place that I’ve been to before that has such a rich history that goes so far back into time. 🙂 Someday I hope to go back to this city to explore some more!! I would absolutely love to see the cat sanctuary next time! 😉

Roman Forum

Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum.

Looking up at the Roman Colosseum.

The Roman Colosseum

Group shot at the Roman Colosseum.

Day 18- Childhood














See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil….

Fun times as a child “camping” at the cabin in Bishop, going fishing, and playing in the creeks, streams, lakes and rivers!!

*Pictured from top to bottom, my sister, myself, and future brother-in-law*