An Insiders Look Into Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out! #InsideOutEvent

An Insiders Look Into Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out!

By Erin

The big day has finally arrived! Inside Out is here to enter the minds and hearts of all who see it. I just cannot say enough good things about this film; it’s the feel good movie of the summer, and it’s still technically a couple of days until summer is officially here. But it’s just that good, so I’m going to pretend it’s summertime already. Adorably inventive, gorgeously animated, and powerfully moving, Inside Out is another  jewel to add to the Pixar library.

Inside Out

Centered around 11-year-old Riley, the movie follows this spirited and goofy young girl, as her dad’s new job in San Francisco uproots the family from the Midwest (Minnesota). To help her navigate through this change are her emotions: Joy (Amy Poehler), Fear (Bill Hader), Anger (Lewis Black), Disgust (Mindy Kaling), and Sadness (Phyllis Smith).


The control center inside 11-year-old Riley’s mind, is called Headquarters and it is where five Emotions are hard at work, led by lighthearted optimist Joy, whose mission is to make sure Riley stays happy. Fear heads up safety, Anger ensures all is fair and Disgust prevents Riley from getting poisoned, both physically and socially. Sadness isn’t sure really what her role is, and frankly, neither is anyone else. “The Emotions are kind of like the voices in our heads,” says director Pete Docter. “Everybody has a default temperament. We all go through periods of being happy or sad, but certain people are just happy or angry or what have you. Riley is one of those happy kids. So Joy had to be the first Emotion to show up, and she has a very special bond with Riley.” But when Joy and Sadness are accidentally swept into the far reaches of Riley’s mind, taking some of her core memories with them; Fear, Anger and Disgust are left in charge, and all sorts of crazy things start happening.


Joy and Sadness venture along through Long Term Memory, Imagination Land, Abstract Thought and Dream Productions all in a dire effort to get back to Headquarters before it’s too late. On this adventure you will meet many colorful characters, including the Forgetters, who are Mind Workers in charge of sorting Riley’s memories, to Riley’s forgotten imaginary friend named Bing Bong, (whom I just adored, and I am sure you will too! Bing-Bong! Bing-Bong! Bing-Bong!) is part cat, part elephant, but mostly cotton candy. He’s desperately trying to find a way to make Riley remember him. Filled with lovable and memorable characters, making it a fun movie for all.

You will learn a lot about Riley’s Islands of Personality in the film. They are powered by core memories, which are all of the really important and significant times in Riley’s life. Core Memories are those things that you’ll think about or remember until your last days. It’s those big moments that have led us to be who we are. Each Island defines a different aspect of Riley’s personality: Hockey Island, Friendship Island, Family Island, Goofball Island, and Honesty Island.

Of course I don’t want to ruin it for you and give away the ending or all of the little details that make this such a wonderful and enjoyable film, so I will leave you with a few fun facts about Inside Out.

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7 Inside Out Goodies For All Ages #InsideOutEvent #InsideOut

7 Inside Out Goodies For All Ages

By Erin

*Disney/Pixar, Disney Channel and Disney invited me to the Inside Out Event in exchange for my coverage of the Inside Out Events, which included a complimentary gift bag of Inside Out toys and products, but even then I still purchased a few items of my own because I love these so much! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Last week at the Inside Out Event, we were gifted many of the new Inside Out items that are available for purchase at your local Disney Store, in Target, on and more. Inside Out comes out tomorrow, and these items are hot hot hot, so make sure to grab your favorites before they disappear! If you’re buying the items as a gift, be sure you get more than one, because if you’re like me, you’ll want one for yourself as well as for whoever you are gifting the item too. During the trip, we got a sneak peek of the complete line of all the fabulous merchandise being released for Disney/Pixar’s Inside Out.

Inside-Out-Product Line

TOMY’s toy line has created a fabulous line up of toys for Inside Out that is inspired by the humor, visual style and whimsical elements within the film. Adorable poseable character figures have light up features and all of the toys allow for self-expression and re-creation of key movie moments. UGGs has created a beautiful line of shoes as well. I absolutely love that there is such a broad age range for all of these items, so that kids of all ages, young and old alike can enjoy the Inside Out products! So without further ado, here’s my list of the top 7 Must Have Inside Out Goodies!

1. Inside Out Character Mug Collection



How cute are these? If you’re like me and need some morning energy to be able to face the day, these hot beverage mugs featuring characters from Disney/Pixar’s new film Inside Out will have you up and going about your day in no time! The best part is the sayings that match each feeling on the back! Take a look below. SRP: $12.95 each Retailers: Disney Store and Available: Now

I love these so much, I bought myself the Disgusted one! My thoughts exactly about mornings… 😉


2. Inside Out Footwear License: UGG


Ok, now how can you NOT want at least ONE pair of these?? UGG has created 12 super adorable pairs of Inside Out shoes! The emotions of Inside Out come to life with these bold colors and sweet embellishments (I LOVE the Bling on Joy’s pair!) that celebrate a rainbow of emotions on boots, slip-ons and sneakers. MSRP: $69.95-144.95 each Retailers: and select UGG stores Available: June 2015 

3. Inside Out iPhone 5/5S Case

Inside Out Phone Cases
I really hope these come out for Android phones soon as I want one of each of these emotions, so I can change my phone case with my changing moods. Haha All five interchangeable designs are available featuring Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust and Fear.
SRP: $19.95  Retailers: Disney Store and Available: Now Continue reading »

Inside Out: Meet the Little Voices Inside Your Head #InsideOutEvent

Inside Out: Meet the Little Voices Inside Your Head

By Erin

*I was invited as a guest of Disney to attend the press junket for purposes of this post*

Have you ever wanted to meet those little voices inside your head? Or do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head? Well, in Disney-Pixar’s fifteenth film, “Inside Out” examines this very thought of what goes inside our head as we witness firsthand the turbulent mechanisms and dynamics of the five primary emotions driving an eleven year-old girl’s mind. At a recent press junket in Beverly Hills we were able to do just this as we got to sit down and chat with the creators and cast of Inside Out.


Director Pete Docter, Producer Jonas Rivera, and cast members Amy Poehler (“Joy,”) Bill Hader (“Fear,”) Mindy Kaling (“Disgust,”) Phyllis Smith (“Sadness,”) and Lewis Black (“Anger”) joined us for some very emotional fun, topics ranging from emotions, to Pixar, to Islands of Personality.

First we chatted with Director Pete Docter and Producer Jonas Rivera. Both have been with Pixar for over 20 years, and their love for creating movies shines through in Inside Out.


So how did the idea of “Inside Out” come to be?

Pete Docter  noticed that his daughter was going through some very emotional times, like all pre-teens do. She had just turned 11.

“I noticed my daughter growing up, being a little less goofy and wacky and funny and a little more shy and quiet because she had turned 11.  And at the same time, I was looking at different ideas for a film and thought about emotions as characters. The basic pitch that I gave to Jonas at first, and then ultimately John, was, “What if we have an 11-year-old girl who’s moved across the country, but she’s actually not the main character; she’s the setting, because inside her head are her emotions that help her deal with everyday life?” It was pretty much just that simple of a concept.  I didn’t really have a story yet.  That came from working with Josh Cooley and Ronnie del Carmen, all the amazing story talents that we have.  It slowly developed over the next four years.  But we all kind of know that, that it doesn’t have to be perfect.  We’re gonna make a lot of adjustments and refinements as we go.”


How did there come to be five emotions to go inside the head, rather than six or four?  Is there a mathematical reason for that?

Pete explained to us: “I pitched optimism, which is, we learned later, not really an emotion, and joy. I had fear and anger and some other ones, and we realized, man, we don’t really know anything about this.  So we did a lot of research, and that’s where this came from.  There is no consensus amongst scientists about how many emotions there actually are.  Some say 3; some say 27; most are somewhere in the middle.  We realized, well, we get to kind of make this up. We arrived at five, mainly because it’s a nice odd number.  It felt like a good crowd, enough contrast and conflict between them, but not so big that you’re, like, “Wait, who’s that again?  Schadenfreude?  Okay.  Lost track of −” so, if we were to represent all 27, I just − my brain was hurting, thinking of writing for all these characters. We ended up at these five, largely because of the work of Dr. Paul Ekman, who was one of the consultants on the show.  And he had originally, back in the ’70s, posited six.  It was our five, plus surprise.  And we felt surprise, as a cartoon, is probably fairly similar to fear.  So we jettisoned that one, and that’s how we ended up with the five.”

Do Pete and Jonas deliberately start out to make movies as a team or purposely like to make people cry?

Jonas had this to say: “We don’t sit around consciously going, “All right. Let’s make a great movie.” I mean, we hope that happens, obviously, but I think it’s just like, “What do we wanna see? What did we love seeing when we were kids? What do we wanna take our families to? What are we gonna be proud of? Let’s aim for that.”

Next, we had a hilarious chat with the voices inside the head of Inside Out.


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