30 Day June Photo Challenge Catch Up!

OK, so I know I have been MIA the past few days for this challenge. I have been away at the River, thus have not had time to update daily my photos for this challenge. No, worries though, I am back now!! 🙂 So here are my photos.

Day 9: First Thing in the Morning










I LOVE getting up in the morning and waking up to this view at the river! <3 This was taken this past weekend on 6/9/12.


Day 10: Pajamas










Nothing’s better than opening up presents on Christmas Day in your pajamas! Here our cat Moe is opening up his presents and you can tell by the expression on his face that he cannot wait to try out his new blanket!!








Moe enjoying  his new blanket.

Day 11: Procrastination








This is what happens when you procrastinate and leave your clean clothes on the floor… sooner or later some critter is going to come along and make themselves nice and cozy in your clean laundry… 😉

Day 12: Feet!








Friends feet at the beach on a nice summers day!










Of course I had to include some horse feet! No day would be complete without them!! <3

Day 13: Books








I LOVE books!! Wish I had more time to read.

So there you have it. I am all caught up now. Until next time…. 😉

30 Day June Photo Challenge

I don’t have a facebook page for my blog yet, so thought I’d just post it ON my blog! 😉

Also since this way I could update my blog in some way until I get more time to post all the 100’s of ideas I have to post about, but just have not had the time to write-up yet!


Day One: Self-Portrait (with two of my besties Minnesota Girl In LA and Along Comes Mary at the Stroll and Savor in Belmont Shore on 2nd St, in Long Beach!!)








Day Two: Water– Redondo Beach








Day Three: Bed Head– 2 week old Lady Emerald napping 🙂









Day Four: Eyes– Lady’s mother Four of a Khind










Well that’s it until tomorrow! Hope everyone enjoyed these! 😉