A Cure for the Monday Morning Blues: Horsing Around with Torero & Purple.

A Cure for the Monday Morning Blues: Horsing Around with Torero & Purple

By Erin

After the crazy heat this week, it was nice to relax a little bit with the horses in these “cooler” 80 degree temperatures over the weekend. They were just as happy as we were for a break from the nasty  100+ degree heat. Especially Purple as the heat made him very sick this past week and he has lost a lot of weight very quickly from it; he didn’t do well with the heat at all. Thankfully it has cooled down and he is getting back to his normal self and eating like a pig again. Now they are all playing, horsing around and back to their silly goofy selves. Torero really thinks he is something special (but I think I’d have to agree with him on that one). Is he funny enough to help cure those Monday Morning blues? What do you think?  😉


Top Torero attempting to be serious.


This is the REAL Torero though…. 😉 Signature  move: his tongue hanging out. He’s so silly.

Top Torero

He’s got a lot of personality! So fun to watch these guys.

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