Wordless Wednesday: It’s Spider Kitty! #Halloween #CutePets

Spider Kitty Moe!

By: Erin

It’s Halloween Season and what’s cuter than seeing your adorable pets dressed up to celebrate the occasion? My cat Moe always loved to dress up in his special Spider Man costume, sit in front of the door and wait for the tick-or-treaters to arrive to tell him how stinking adorable he was. He also enjoyed saving us from that evil red dot that would float around on the floor. Because it surely would have hurt us all if Spider Kitty Moe weren’t here to save us all from it! 😉 So here he is to save the day, it’s Spider Man (Kitty) Moe!

Spider Kitty MoeHe’s such a tough guy…. 😉Spider Moe

It’s so hard being cute…

Spider Cat in ActionCome here you evil red dot! 😛

Spider Kitty Moe Spider Man

Posing so you can get a good look at his handsome and manly outfit.

Spider Man Cat

So proud of himself for saving the world from all the evildoers and their red dots. 🙂

Happy (almost) Halloween!